Ομιλίες σε Διεθνή Συνέδρια

1.  “Interaction of charged particles with a gravitational wave of various polarizations and directions of propagation”, 5th EADN Predoctoral Astrophysics Summer School, Technological Institute of Berlin, September 1992.
2.  “Non-linear cosmology”, 6th EADN Predoctoral Astrophysics Summer School,  Thessaloniki, July 1993.

3.  “New developments in Lovelock-type Lagrangian theories of gravity”, International Workshop on “Differential Geometry, Global Analysis and Lie Algebras”, School of Technology, University of Thessaloniki, December 1995.

4.  “Anisotropic null-string cosmologies”, International Seminar on “Current Issues of Astronomical and Planetary Environmental Concern”, Department of Physics, University of Thessaloniki, April 1998.

5.  “Dynamical equivalence between geodesic motions and hydrodynamic flows”, International Conference on “Similarities and Universality in Relativistic Flows”,  Mykonos, October 2000 (poster session).

6.  “Propagation of gravitational waves in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe”, International Workshop on “General Relativistic Plasma Physics”, Thessaloniki, September 2004.
7.  “Introducing quadratic gravity”, International Workshop on “Cosmology and Gravitational Physics”, Thessaloniki, December 2005.
8.  “Gravitational waves versus cosmic strings”, International Conference on “Recent Developments in Gravity XIII”, at Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2008.

9.  “Generalized Jeans-type instabilities in a homogeneous and anisotropic Universe”, The International Conference “Spanish Relativity Meeting 2008”, at Salamanca, Spain, September 2008 (poster session).

10. “A conventional form of dark energy”, International Conference on “Recent Developments in Gravity XIV”, at Ioannina, Greece, June 2010.